GEMS Online ExamGEMS Online Exam is an exam delivery system that makes it possible to hold multiple choice online exams. Examination candidates may take an online exam using either a conventional WIMP (Windows, Mouse Pointer) interface, as found on a laptop or desktop computer, or using a touchscreen interface, as found on an Apple iPad or similar tablet device. An examination administrator can monitor the progress of each candidate through an examination console, and may start, pause, and stop the exam as appropriate. Once the online exam is over, the administrator has immediate access to the examination results, including candidate results and an analysis of the questions used in the examination. Examination results can be exported in CSV format for import into GEMS Basic, GEMS Type or GEMS Fundamentals. Alternatively complete descriptions of each candidate’s completed online exam can be exported to a specified location for future archiving. Currently ASTech’s GEMS Basic, GEMS Type and GEMS Fundamentals application can create and export online exams. GEMS Online Exam - Benefits