GEMS PPL Exam Software

GEMS PPL is a web application which automates the management of private pilot licensing examinations. A single installation of GEMS PPL exam software can manage examinations for both aeroplane and helicopter examinations.

The PPL exam software generates multiple choice exam papers with randomly chosen questions in accordance with the EASA syllabi for pilot licencing. Automatic correction of exams can be provided with use of the ASTech GEMS OMR product, and exam grading is carried out by GEMS PPL.

With GEMS PPL exam software it is possible to manage all steps of a student’s progress, from application to successful completion of all the required examinations for a pilot’s licence. Student records are retained.

GEMS PPL - Product Overview

The main functionality of the PPL exam software  can be summarised as follows:

  • Generate draft examinations by randomly or manually selecting questions from the central question databank
  • Sign-off and prepress
  • Print individualised exam papers and solution sheets
  • Maintain complete records of applicants (exam results, dates, etc.)
  • Produce school, NAA and JAA pro forma reports

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GEMS PPL - Exam Summary Data

FCL Manage Exams
GEMS FCL Adding an Exam Applicant
GEMS FCL Exam Schedule
GEMS FCL Select Exam Questions
GEMS FCL Publsih Exam
GEMS FCL Flight School Analysis
GEMS FCL Item Analysis
GEMS FCL Exam Grade Breakdown